The Bluest Eye


The Bluest Eyes, a novel by Toni Morrison, is based on an investigative course of what beauty really is. Different people have different understandings and perceptions of what beauty really is and act differently to tell of their understanding of the same. Analysis into what beauty is really attributed to remains the main aspect that this paper seeks to address as portrayed in ‘The Bluest Eyes”. Continue reading

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Steve Jobs rose against all odds to become the founder of both Pixar Animation Company and NeXT Computer Software. He was also the co-founder of the much celebrated Apple Computers. On Sunday 14TH June 2005 during the 14TH graduation ceremony of Stanford University, Steve Jobs gave a commencement speech which he divided into three segments. The first section focused on his early childhood, the second centralized on how he learnt of what to do in life at an early age and the final portion zeroed in on death. Steve Job’s speech was easy to grasp given that he used simple structured sentences and observed proper timing thereby earning the attention of his listeners.

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Effects of watching too much TV

In this cause and effect essay we presented the reasons why watching too much TV is harmful to people. Excessive TV watching leads to many psychological and physiological problems.

Keywords: TV, frustration, negative thinking
Nowadays watching too much TV became a very widespread problem. We can see TV in every home, even the parents begin to teach their children to watch TV in early childhood, because they think that is a good way to develop a child. Sometimes people forget that the TV does not always carries only positive aspects. “Indeed, a negative relationship exists between the amount of time spent watching TV and children and adolescents health status, including overweight, school and verbal performance, perceived cognitive and attention abilities, and violence or bullying” (Patriarca, 2009). Negative effects of the TV became quite obvious fact. As a consequence, TV affects human physical, mental and social health in a very destructive ways.
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Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Here is another essay sample that you will definitely like, my dear friends. Enjoy reading and order original paper writing with us.


The references that I have include in the book give a close look on the life history of Abraham Lincoln and his famous leadership skills exhibited by the writers of the sources. The writers have given the close look at the speech that has given United States of America. The sources have also a close look of the aspects of human equality during the reign of the president. Human rights have also been given a priority during the assessment of Abraham Lincoln leadership aspects. The authors have also taken into consideration of the principles that define humanity meaningfully. All human beings have the right to live in harmony and in the statesman spirit. The authors on the other had have taken a step further to compare and contrast the speeches made by the president and the human equality aspect in them. The comparison has made them rate the speech as the history maker speech and rate it as the most famous speech made by the American president. Continue reading

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Distributive Justice, Ethical Egoism, and Economic Distribution

Distributive justice is a moral theory that examines whether the results produced by an action are fair in terms of benefit distribution. According to the theory, an action is considered fair if its outcomes are regarded as a fair distribution of benefits to all the people who are affected by the action. The Utilitarian school of thought agrees with the distributive justice theory as it suggests that a morally correct action maximizes social benefits to the affected people. Libertarians on the other hand disagree with the distributive justice theory and they dismiss it as conceptually confused and immoral since imposing the concept of fair distribution on people results in restriction of the power to choose.
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Defining Liturgy, Ritual, Sign and Symbols


Catholicism distinguishes two distinct liturgical entities. The first involves the convectional use of the terminology liturgy to encompass all use of official rites that appertain to a church or a religious identity group. This is what interprets the temple liturgy rite in the Old Testament. Catholicism faults this convectional use of the term liturgy and instead uses the terminology to exclusively refer to a Eucharistic church official service. It thus excludes religious rites and church service unaccompanied by a Eucharist as merely canonical or official rites, which falls short of liturgical qualification (Barron, 2013). This Eucharist church service is referred to as mass in Catholicism and is liturgically distinct from other mass services concerning the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist. Student will achieve maximally if they adopt this phenomenon. It is advisable for students to make positive change to have a fluent impact of the same.
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Professional Interview Essay Sample

Yesterday I wrote how nice the weather was and you can do whatever you want to do on a sunny day, but today it rains again and it kills me, you know. Well, I really hate this unbearable whether. It seems to me that there is no end for the fall rains and gloomy clouds that definitely are getting on my nerves and working enthusiasm so far. Besides all I do is talking about weather. It is strongly recommend, my friends, to forget about it and focus on today issues. The point is that studies continue no matter the weather and you cannot stop it just like you can’t possibly stop the irritating rain.
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Role Differentiation Between the NP and CNS

Guys, following the previous post with an essay sample attached, I’ve decided to provide you with more useful paper samples these days. Today, you are going to read a sample on nursing from writing from scratch category. It is a nice opportunity for all the students that study nursing or medicine, to get acquainted with the subject and writing peculiarities a bit closer.
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